Wednesday night me and the girls took a cab to a little bar called "Hummingbird." It was so nasty out from the all-day snowing we had. Here, instead of the snow just laying on the just turns into disgusting slush. We have never been to Hummingbird before, but we've heard about it. You can order huge drinks called fishbowls here. Kateri & Brittany both got one. They even got a glo-stick with it! Haha. I ordered the Hummingbird martini. It was really good, but the strawberry on the side of the glass was better! Mmm. The entire place was adorable and had bird cages hanging from the ceiling with candles in them. We got our drinks, sat down and talked until it was ABC time. (11pm)

Around 11:30, we headed out to ABC. It was pouring out so we were pretty much running down the street. Kateri had her new boots on, she was pretty miserable. I felt bad because I've been in that situation before. Haha, not fun.
There was a little line, so we had to stand outside in the rain before we got in. That was annoying. So much for fixing our hair. But it was fun, and me & Brittany got our faces painted! I've been wanting to for a while, so we decided tonight was the night. It was so beautiful. And since it was "Neon" night, all of the black lights made our faces glow.

It was really cool.
We left around 2:30am, I skyped with mum & kayla for a while then went to bed. I had to be up to get on the bus for go-karting at 9:30am! I wasn't even really tired the next morning. I was so glad. It took us about 20 minutes to get to ScotKart. It was in a weird part of town that I have never seen before, and was glad that I didn't. There was garbage everywhere. It looked really bad. When we got there, my friend Martin from my class was already there. I was glad he went because he's pretty much the only person I know from Computing. We signed waivers and they split all of us up into two groups. Go-kart group and Lazer tag group. (I got go-kart group first!)

Luckily, not many kids went because the weather was bad. So we got to ride and play longer. They took my group into a room, gave us uniforms to put on, and made us watch a little movie about safety and rules. I was so excited! Finally they took us out to the track and we got our helmets. I sat down in kart 13 and they adjusted the seats and pedals for me. (Apparently they didn't do a good job because I am still sore from trying to reach the steering wheel.)

After we rode for about 10 minutes, they'd bring us back into the pits...then send us out again. We got to do 4 races. It was so awesome. The first time we went out, everyone went pretty slow and was really cautious. I was so afraid to flip the kart because some places on the track were wet and you could easily slide on it. But then every time they sent us back out I realized it was impossible to flip the kart, so why be afriad? I went faster and faster & only wrecked a few times. When you wreck, you put your hand up and they turn on the yellow light so everyone knows someone is stuck and they slow down instead of ramming into you around a corner. Me and another kid had a pretty good collision, but we were just laughing. I was surprised we didn't get the warning flag waved at us for being reckless. It was so awesome. I had a blast and wish I could do it more often. At the end, they gave us our timesheets and ratings of how we did in each race. I was one of the top 6 fastest (out of 14) in every race and I even got 4th one time.

After that, they took us over to "Lazer Planet" and explained the rules. We split into two teams (Red-Star Wars, Blue-SuperHeroes). I was on Red and my name was Jabba (it was written on my pack). The place was awesome with smoke and flashing lights everywhere to distract you. They had really cool music playing that kind of sounded like Pink Floyd. In the middle of the whole thing was a tower with a ramp on each side. The Blue team was up there shooting us forever. Then I got my team together and we took the tower over. It was so funny. We all had a great time. The second game I came in 2nd place for shooting the most people. I was so excited. My team won both games too!
We left for home at 1:30pm and I could tell I was exhausted. I saw Hannah walking to class on my way to Caley Court and I told her to come watch New Moon when she's done. So she did. Of course I fell asleep and missed the last 30 minutes, but it was fun. It was a good day.
I miss you so much.
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