We caught the bus back to Glasgow Centre and Jordan told me about his flights. It was like we never left each other to begin with and we picked up right where we left it. It was so nice.
We got back to Caley Court and hung out for a while. Jordan even had a drink of the Scotch I bought him.
On Monday we took a walk down town through George Square. We saw the statue with the cone on his head and went into the museum he is placed in front of. It was free entry, but it was super lame. We still looked around the whole place. Then we went to a little shop called "Tinderbox." Jordan got a coffee & I got a cappuccino. We sat on a bench in George Square, watched the people & nasty pigeons and talked. It was cold, but comfortable to be with him.
Nothing really happens here on Monday night. So we just hung out in the room. I know Jordan was bummed with not meeting my friends yet (he did meet my flatmates already though, including Kateri. But that was all).
On Tuesday I had a few classes and Jordan got to catch up on some sleep. When I got back we got ready for the day and headed to the Gothic Cathedral. I've already been there, but I wanted Jordan to see it and I know he wanted to. We saw the outside (it was closed for the season) of the oldest house in Glasgow. We went in and looked around St. Mungo's Museum. Jordan loved it. He took a lot of pictures to show his mom, because he knew she would have loved it too. We spent a lot of time in there so I kept pushing Jordan to hurry up because we still needed to make it to the Cathedral and the graveyard before dark. We wasn't happy with me about pushing him. Finally I got him out of there and we walked over to St. Mungo's Cathedral. It still took my breath away the second time. So beautiful.
On Wednesday I had more classes. Then me and Jordan went to the Sports Cafe for lunch. We both got burgers. I thought they were good because I never get that sort of thing over here, but Jordan said it was nasty and didn't even taste like burger. Welcome to Scotland. We even got dessert!! Jordan got the banana toffee waffle and it was to DIE for. Wow.
Later we went to Molly Malone's for some drinks with my friends.
Thursday we walked down through town again to Glasgow Green. It's just a huge open park with monuments here and there. Jordan said it was nice to be out of the city and just see open space. It did feel good. We even saw the Doulton Fountain.
Later we went with some of my girl friends back to the Sports Cafe for wing night. 60 wings for 6 pounds. They weren't too good, but the fries were awesome. We each ate too much, then got dessert to top off our fat bellies. Yummy! Me & Jordan, of course, shared the banana toffee waffle again. It was divine.
Firday we walked forever to find the Kevingrove Museum. I got us lost, but also got us found again. Haha. The museum was free entry and it was AMAZING! They had so much cool stuff inside and we were bummed we couldn't see absolutely everything. They had famous paintings, stuffed animals, prehistoric animals (weird/scary), and old weapons. It was awesome. We spent a lonnng time in there. On our way back to Caley, we stopped and ate a chinese buffet. I've been wanting to eat there forever and I was happy I got to with Jordan. The food wasn't that great, but we tried every single dessert they had. Haha. It was a freak show with all of the different dessert on our table. It was fun. Our feet hurt so much from walking all day, so when we got back we took a nap. We woke up at 8:30 and got ready for the night. We were going out dancing with my friends. I couldn't believe Jordan was okay with it. I was so proud of him and excited that he wasn't just shooting down the idea. We went to Beth and Hannah's flat to pregame and headed out to Club Karbon around 1:30am.
We got back around 3:30am that night, and slept in pretty late. It felt good. When we finally got up, we went searching for a Scottish place to buys some gifts for home. It took us forever because I couldn't remember when it was. Then we couldn't find the "Drum N Monkey" (where Jordan has been wanting to eat the entire time) and when we finally did find it, there was no place to sit inside and it was jam-packed. So we tried to find somewhere else. We ended up eating at Pizza Hut. It was really good and we got a huge dessert, because that's what we do these days. Mmm, warm chocolate chip cookie dough and ice cream. It was great.
Later we went to WalkAbout with Hannah and Beth to get a few drinks before Molly Malone's again. Molly's has live music on Fridays and Saturdays so we thought we'd check it out. We got there around 10 and I thought the guy performing was awesome.
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